Burglars busy in Hartbeespoort

Six burglaries in so many days have been reported to the Hartbeespoort police the past week.

Burglars pounced on two residences in Ou Wapad in Ifafi on Wednesday and Thursday, fleeing with a motorcycle, three mountain bikes and airconditioners from one home, and a television set, laptop, music centre, Ipad and a remote control from the other residence.

Thieves broke into a house on a smallholding in Broederstroom on Thursday night and stole chainsaws, chairs, batteries, drills, a compressor and a welder.

Over the weekend burglars broke into an apartment at a complex in Mauser Street in Ifafi and stole bedding and a television set. Television sets were also stolen from a house in St Monica Street in Schoemansville and from a lodge in Broederstroom over the weekend.