NSRI Pin Buoy project launched in Hartbeespoort

The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) officially launched the Pink Rescue Buoys initiative in Hartbeespoort last week at the Schoemansville Oewerklub.

The NSRI Pink Rescue Buoys are stationed at beaches, rivers and dams across South Africa. Sea Rescue is working with various organisations to improve safety at beaches, rivers and dams.

Each of these emergency flotation devices is mounted on a sign board with emergency information which explains how to use the emergency flotation by throwing it to a person in difficulty and not to go into the water to attempt a rescue themselves. Rather call for help using the number on the sign.

The rescue buoys are bright pink so that they can easily be spotted on the water by responding emergency services. The buoys, which conform to the AUNZ standard of 100 Newtons of flotation, are hung on strategically placed signs and the NSRI said it hoped that the devices will remind people to take care when entering water. If there is an incident and someone needs help these buoys can be thrown to that person, providing emergency flotation.

There are clear graphics on the sign which explain how to use the buoy. And most importantly, the emergency number for the closest Sea Rescue station is printed on the sign.

The community around Hartbeespoort is urged to support this initiative and donate to the NSRI monthly. The success of this project ultimately depends on the community and people are requested not to remove the Pink Rescue Buoys from the signs except when needed for a rescue.

The first buoy at the Schoemansville Oewerklub was sponsored by FEM. The NSRI is looking for more sponsors to place more buoys at strategic places around Hartbeespoort Dam. The cost of a Pink Rescue Buoy is R1500. If you are interested in contributing towards the buoys, contact 083 444 6232.

A Pink Rescue Buoy should be on its pole or used in a rescue. If you see someone with a Pink Rescue Buoy, and they are not Sea Rescue volunteers, the Pink Buoy is probably stolen. Please report to 087 094 9774 or pinkrescuebuoys@searescue.org.za