You have to have matric to be employed as a plumber at the Madibeng municipality, but it seems in some cases you don’t need this qualification for a senior post.
It has come to Kormorant’s attention that certain individuals in managerial posts at the municipality are not in possession of a certified National Senior Certificate (matric). It was confirmed during an investigation of one such official by a certification and verification document by Umalusi Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and training.
Umalusi is responsible for the certification of the following qualifications: Senior Certificate amended (SCa), National Senior Certificate (NSC), National Technical Certificate (N3), National Certificate Vocational (NCV), General Education and Training Certificate: Adults (GETC).
According to the document, no record and enrolment of the senior official was found. “If the candidate mentioned has a National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification in her possession, that certificate/document constitute fraud and is prosecutable and punishable by law, the verification letter reads. The official who was investigated holds a senior position in a law enforcement department at the municipality
Kormorant enquired from the municipality what the educational requirements for the appointment of senior officials in the municipality are. The municipality only responded two months later saying the municipality is currently verifying qualifications.
“We acknowledge receipt of your enquiry. However we are unable to comment at the moment as the municipality is currently conducting qualifications verification process for the entire institution. At the end of the exercise we should be able to provide a report on findings. In case there is substance in your specific query, we shall respond at that point,” said municipal spokesperson, Tumelo Tshabalala.
Municipal employees told Kormorant this week they were requested last week to provide proof of qualifications to the municipality.
(The name of the person that was investigated is not published at this time. Upon receiving more information from the municipality following their verification process, Kormorant will do a follow-up article.)