Derelict municipal offices

01/02/2024Municipality, News

“What you see is what you get. It seems that the state of the municipal offices in Schoemansville is an accurate reflection of Madibeng Municipality’s competence.”
These were the words of a resident at the derelict municipal offices this week. The conditions of the offices are shocking. Open manholes in the parking lot, missing and falling fascia boards, peeling paint, chopped-up concrete at the entrance, water leaks… only but a few of the images of decay greeting visitors.
The gardens of the newly-built library are neglected with knee-high grass and bushes. The library has also been without water for over a week. “This is a disaster,” a parent said. “Groups of small children visit the library on a daily basis and they use the toilets which cannot flush. The poor employees have to run around getting buckets of water to try and keep the toilets clean. It is disgusting,” she said.
Madibeng did not respond to enquiries about the state of the municipal offices and library.