Celebrity owl dies peacefully in the wild after 17 years in captivity


Zack, the celebrity Spotted Eagle Owl.

A 21-year-old Spotted Eagle Owl who lived in captivity for 17 years but finally spent his last five years flying free, peacefully died at the Owl Rescue Centre in Hartbeespoort last week.
“He finally lived wild for five years and died of natural causes in his natural habitat where he belonged,” said Brendan Murray, founder of the centre.
Zack was a celebrity owl used for shows at Sun City Bird Park for 17 years. When he was retired five years ago, the Owl Rescue Centre in Har

tbeespoort gave him a home.


“We immediately took off his ‘handcuffs’ (anklets) from his legs and let him fly free. Spotted Eagle Owls usually only live about 12 years in the

wild, so we did not expect him to live long. We took a chance and decided to release him. He never ventured far from the sanctuary and spent much of his time in the owl graveyard on the property. W

henever he saw me outside he would follow me. He didn’t fly far. I only saw him hunt bugs and he ate his meals at our

feeding platform. He had the best days of his life over the last five years,” But sadly, old age caught up with Zach last weekend and Brendan found him dead under a tree one morning. “He had no injuries and died of natural causes.” He was laid to rest in the owl cemetery where he spent most of his time.

“He was a very special soul.”
Fly free Zach!