Hartbeespoort author debuts in international self-help book
Hartbeespoort resident Frik van Rensburg has debuted as an author in an internationally published self-help book.

Frik van Rensburg
The book Breakthrough to Success is a compilation of writings by 32 authors worldwide on different topics about how to overcome limitations and change your life to achieve success.
Frik’s chapter The day I took control over my emotions, discusses how emotions can hinder the path you want your life to take. “Taking control of your emotions can take you from where you are to where you want to be. It is not easy, but it is possible,” he wrote.
“This is a practical book on how to learn to dominate our emotions. By learning to stay in a positive frame of mind and controlling our emotions, we can take charge of our lives. With practice, patience, and determination, we can dominate our emotions, improve our circumstances, and enjoy life,” Frik says.
Most Hartbeespoort residents will recognise Frik as the helpful pharmacist assistant at many of the pharmacies in town. After being in the pharmaceutical industry for many years, he decided to try his hand at business. This led to becoming involved in an international networking leadership platform and the opportunity for a chapter in the book presented itself. I have always written and loved books. When this opportunity arrived I jumped at it. However, I did not know what to write about. The night before the article had to be submitted, something happened that changed my life forever. I made some stupid remark about something my daughter was saying and when I saw the hurt in her eyes I felt awful. I went to my study and suddenly I realised my emotions were standing in the way of living a positive, meaningful life. Not just for me, but for my family and the people around me. And I wrote the article that was published.”
He said the published book with his article changed his life forever. “I realised that if you can teach people to focus and channel their emotions, they can turn their lives around. This led to a new chapter in my life. I am now doing talks on this topic and presenting leadership courses. And I try and bring this valuable insight to the people around me,” he says.
No one is too young to learn this valuable lesson, he believes. “I even teach it to my grandchildren,” he laughed. “For instance, if there is a fight among siblings, I would ask them: What are we going to do that is good? One has to take a negative emotion and turn it into a positive one. It takes work, but it works!”
Breakthrough to Success is available from Amazon and as a paperback at bookshops. Contact Frik for more information 083 463 3949.