The modern day MOM – all the more reason to celebrate Mother’s Day


Mothers, in whatever shape or form, matter. We all have one! And we have all been shaped in some way by the relationship we have or had with our mothers.
The celebration of motherhood can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honour of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele.
In 1908 Anna Jarvis came up with the American version of Mother’s Day in 1908, and it became an official US holiday in 1914.
Motherhood in 2024 looks vastly different from motherhood in 1908. In 1908 mothers did not need to worry about screen-time, and mothers in 2024 don’t need to spend a full day just doing the washing.
Even in only the last 10-20 years, there have been significant changes for women:
– Many women are their family’s primary breadwinner.
– Many women in the workforce have young children – 28.5% of all working women are mothers.
– Many women are childless
– Women are having their children later – the average age in 2018 was 30.3, compared to 1980 when the average age was 25.7.
There is more recognition today that being a mother does not just come from giving birth. But it is more about being maternal. These women are the aunts, teachers, mentors, friends that we all have in our lives.
On this Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate how womanhood and motherhood have changed in the last 100 years. Let’s celebrate that there is no one-size-fits-all and let’s celebrate the impact all the women in our lives have made on us.
Tell the women in your life they’re amazing and that they matter to you. No doubt they think you’re amazing too.